Sunday, July 7, 2013


Time for another Instagram dump!

Carter and I hit a great garage sale - they had the guys he loves to play with for 2/$0.25.  We bought $42 worth of guys.  You do the math...that's a whole lot of guys! He is one happy kiddo!  :)

The blooms in my backyard make me happy!

View on my drive to the park and ride.  The sky was amazing!

Ryan on his dirt bike - a sunset ride after we arrived at Grandpa and Grandma's:

My trampoline loving boy:

Racing Grandpa and Carter on his dirtbike:

Evan's boat had a little trouble when he put it in the water for the first time this season.  It took on water and started to smoke.  He took it to shore and jumped out, thinking it was catching on fire.  Thankfully John had just pulled in on his motorcycle from the cities.  He was able to head out on the pontoon to tow him back to Sondra's.

My boys and me on the 4th at Sondra's:

We were trying to figure out what this bug was.  We found out it was a dragonfly exoskeleton.  Whatever it is - yuck!!!!

Carter and his buddy (like it or not), Dickens:

The view on our evening walk - isn't it gorgeous:

Mom went berry picking yesterday.  They were the biggest, juiciest, sweetest berries ever!!!!

We ended up making 8 batches of strawberry jam for winter plus we had a huge bowl for dinner (that we almost ate up - they were soooo good!)

Grandpa reading bedtime stories to the boys:

A quick trip to a repair shop nearby (costing a whopping $10)  had us back out on the water in 24 hours!

Carter jumping off the boat:

Me and my water loving little boy:

Ryan as goalie:

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