Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekend - farm style

I was heads down working on jewelry for much of the day yesterday, so I missed some prime photo ops:  boys riding four wheeler and going fishing with Grandpa, Evan hunting, boys playing outside, etc.  I did take a break to make our winter arrangements with Mom.  Too bad I didn't get a picture yet - they are stored in Mom's garage for safe keeping until after Halloween!  A few shots I did get:

The deer eat under Mom's bird feeders every day.  There was also a turkey there both days, but he was so skittish I didn't get a picture of him!

Mom and Dad have a jet black squirrel.  I am not a big squirrel fan, but he was pretty cool to watch!

Too bad these boys have no exposure to technology!  Favorites of theirs - Nintendo DS's, ipods, and my laptop and iphone!

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