Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mackey Christmas

We hosted the Mackey Christmas at our house this year.  We were surprised and excited to have 26 people in attendance with the bad roads and bitter wind chill.  Evan's sister literally stepped off a plane from Aruba and joined us for dinner.  Talk about a rude awakening - Aruba to MN!  We had a great time despite the weather.  Thanks to my Mom, we had a great feast of food.  I would shudder to think what we would have been eating without my Mom's hand in the kitchen!!!!  Thank you for all that you do, Mom - I love you!!!!!

Getting ready to start the gift opening process - Kyle handed out the gifts:

Dennis and granddaughter, Adria:

Johnny opening G.I. Joe:


Sophia opening the doll Ryan bought for her:

Carter and his Magnetix:

Ryan and his Magformers:

Tamara, Johnny, and their niece, Adria:

The newest Great, Adria, born in September - isn't she gorgeous?

The Mackey cousins (the ones who could make it due to poor weather):

The Mackey siblings (3 couldn't make it):

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