Sunday, November 28, 2010


I am fully caught up with my holiday orders (can I hear a 'YEAH'?)  Only a few days remaining on orders and then it's time to kick back and relax for the holiday season (well, not really relax, I have kids, remember?)  Kick back and relax from my 'jewelry work' that is and truly enjoy the holiday season! :)

This bracelet is for a special friend of mine.  She is a neighbor that took care of Ryan in her home for the first 15 months when I went back to work.  She has 5 children herself and is one of the most giving peole I know.  Almost a year ago, she went in for a 'routine' surgery.  Complications from that surgery resulted in extensive nerve damage in her left leg, leaving her unable to walk.  She spent 4 months in the hospital, nursing home, and Courage Center in rehabilitation before returning home in May.  She is a fighter and so determined!  I saw her last week and she was walking on her own - she had a brace on her leg for support, but she was walking.  There is a lot to be said about determination and willpower.  I am proud to call her my friend and can't wait to surprise her with this bracelet! :)

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