Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot...

...more organized in the Mackey house!  And a lot more like Christmas!  A very productive weekend leaves me feeling more organized and Type A, you know, like normal!  I am so pleased with everything I accomplished this weekend!

The stockings were hung by the chimney on the fireplace with care:

Santa's plate and mug are on the fireplace, waiting for cookies and root beer on Christmas Eve:

My nativity set found a home on a shelf in my new entertainment center:

Charlie, our Elf on the Shelf found a spot on a top shelf.  If you don't have a 'Charlie' of your own, I would highly recommend getting one.  Charlie watches your kids during the day and reports to Santa every night if your kids have been naughty or nice.  Every morning, Charlie is in a new hiding spot and the kids race to find where he is hiding.  A great family tradition!

My Department 56 villages (wedding shower gifts) found a spot on the entertainment center as well:

I added a splash of red to our tree this year with new berries I found at a craft store this weekend:

The toppling, unorganized piles of Christmas gifts around the house are all wrapped and organized under the tree:

My Christmas cards are stuffed, addressed, stamped and sealed, ready to be mailed out this week:

My outside lights are also up, much less Griswald-y than my neighbors well lit homes (which my kids aspire to be like), but nevertheless, it adds a little splash of color on our front entrance!

I'm tired just thinking about everything I accomplished this weekend, but what a great feeling to be done...and it isn't even December yet!  Time to enjoy the holiday season with my family - I can't wait!  How about you...are you feeling ready???

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Everything looks wonderful, Steph! We got some decorating done these past few days too, which is new for us. We usually wait until much closer to Christmas, but decided to join the earlier crowd this year. Can't say I have my Christmas cards ready yet though...ooops.