Saturday, March 23, 2013

School Carnival

We went to the Johnsville School Carnival on Friday night.  I volunteered from 3-5 getting it set up, and then we  went back from 5:30-8:00 to play games, eat, and hang out with the boys' friends.  The boys had a blast, as I know I would have when I was little, too.  Evan had enough after about 30 minutes of the crowd - it was very noisy and very crowded in the school.  He went home and I paired up with a neighbor and walked around with her and her boys for the night.  We had a great time.  I brought my big camera and barely took it out.  It was such chaos that I never had time for a shot.  Once Evan left, each boy wanted to go separate ways, and I was scared to lose them in the big crowd, so I was always on the move.  It was fast paced, but fun.  The boys came home with full bellies, full pockets with little trinkets they won playing games, and many memories to last them a lifetime (or at least next week!)  ;)

Carter with his cotton candy - his first purchase of the night!

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