Saturday, March 9, 2013

Nickelodeon Universe

The boys started their spring break yesterday.  I took them to Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America.  It was the first time either of them had ever been to the MOA.  Their expressions were priceless.  It was an awesome day together.  We came home utterly exhausted, but that is the sign of a FUN day!  Evan was even able to sneak away from work to join us long enough to have lunch together - that was fun for us!  According to Ryan, it was the best day EVER, so they must have enjoyed it!  And I slept 11.5 hours last night, so it definitely wore me out!!!  :)

Giant swings:

Having a snack and plotting his next ride:

Brain surge:

Climbing ropes at the top of the Mall of America:


This is about where my stomach would be in my throat:

Apparently he really enjoyed the coaster ride:

Getting on the splatosphere:

Driving the remote control cars:

The balloon race ride:

He promised Carter he would keep the car upright.  You can imagine how well that went...

Log ride:

It's unfortunate they didn't enjoy the ride at all...

On the turtle ride:

Carter meeting SpongeBob SquarePants:

1 comment:

The Rissells said...

Love their expressions! That place is a kid's dream. Our girls have many great memories there. How fun!!