Wednesday, June 11, 2014


More instagram pictures to share.  This is one of my favorite ways to share a snapshot of our daily happenings around here:

Ryan's blue ribbon track and field day:

I made Holly (left) and Susie (right) necklaces with their boys numbers on them.  We sit together at every baseball game and have so much fun together!!!!  Love these girls!

Ryan's class field trip to Target Field with his neighbor and friend, Nathan:

Kyle is driving!  He has his permit and is doing a great job driving now.  How on earth can he be old enough for that?

Carter's team had a rough start to their game last night, but they managed to turn it around later in the game to pull out the win.  They are still undefeated and close games have Holly and Susie and I on the edge of our chairs.  Evan has to keep reminding me to settle down, they're 7 and 8 year olds!!!  ;)  Carter made all 3 outs in one inning and was congratulated by the coach (top pic):

I was heading down to the treadmill this morning when Carter stopped me.  He wanted to go for a run outside.  Technically, I run and he rides bikes ahead of me, telling me "hurry UP, Mom!"  It was a gorgeous morning and I'm so glad we went outside! 

My yard is in full bloom right now and I love, love, love it!  We love summer in MN!!!

Carter came home from school with this for me today and I cried when I saw it.  His teacher wrote the nicest note and she took a picture of each of the kids holding a letter that spelled "Thank you for helping us!!!"  Then each child signed the frame, and put their fingerprint next to their name.  I love it!  I volunteered in his classroom every Thursday this school year and I am going to miss those kids so much!

I have a hard time getting to many of Kyle's games because Ryan and Carter have such a busy schedule.  I was glad we could make it tonight.  He is so much fun to watch.  Watching 15 year olds play soccer is a lot different than watching 9 year olds.  He did a great job!!!

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