Carter building a gingerbread house with Dad:
This takes a lot of concentration - both on making the gingerbread house as well as keeping your brother from stealing all of the candy you need to decorate the house!
I received this note in Carter's folder at Adventures + (before school care). It says "Carter has been very helpful during breakfast and before. He has set a good example for others and today even helped staff with accountability and seating charts. Great job, Carter!" I was one proud Mom when I read this!
These two giggleboxes were playing in the snow while I was shoveling the driveway:
My OCD was much happier when I finally cleared off my dining room table and finished jewelry for the holidays.
Against my better judgment - Charlie "decorating" cookies:
Grandpa and Grandma surprised the boys by volunteering for their holiday parties at school and eating lunch with them. Dad also made the trip up from the office for lunch with the boys:
Making sock snowmen at the holiday party:
The boys are so lucky to have such involved grandparents:
This isn't an Instagram photo, but instead a panoramic view of 600+ elementary school students in the cafeteria for the holiday sing-along:
Ryan's birthday party at Feed My Starving Children. This was my group packing food:
Ryan and a neighbor girl and friend, Addison, both celebrated their birthdays at FMSC:
I can't think of a better spot to curl up and take a rest on a lazy afternoon:
Silent Night at Kroschel Church:
One of my Christmas gifts from my parents - an Origami Owl necklace with my boys' birthstones, an angel for Olivia, and a family charm. What a thoughtful gift - I LOVE it! :)
Christmas afternoon for the guys. The women and children had much more fun!
My boys in their happy place - Target's Pizza Hut Express while we were doing some after Christmas shopping:
Big surprise for the boys - we didn't tell them we were going to the Edge waterpark after Christmas:
This was about half of what I unloaded from my truck coming back from Mom and Dad's last night. No wonder I was up until 3:00 a.m. putting everything away!!!!
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