Monday, December 23, 2013


Charlie returned to our house on December 1 and has been full of mischief since.  The boys (especially Carter) were thrilled to see him again.  They can't wait to see what he is up to every morning when they get up! :)

Arriving with a letter from Santa and a movie for the boys:

Playing Hide and Seek in the toilet paper:

Stamping his name on a jewelry disc:

Snickering about confiscating Carter's tooth fairy money and making it into a paper airplane:

Making 2 small loom band bracelets for himself:

Charlie went shopping - he bought a scarf and boots for himself (it has been really cold here), a Gingerbread house for Carter, and loom band refills for Ryan:

Hunting with Hunter Dan:

Winning a Nerf gun fight against one of Carter's robots:

Playing tic-tac-toe with Bullseye on the boys' bathroom mirror:

Bringing the boys a new movie they wanted:

Reading in a comfy chair:

Tag team wrestling match with Carter's wrestlers.  Charlie took down Randy Orton:

"Decorating" cookies:

We had a flu bug in our house last weekend.  Charlie must have caught it as well:

Playing Ryan's "instrument" that he made for inquiry class at school:

Watching Minecraft on Ryan's iPad:

Santa sent magic elf dust because Evan accidentally touched Charlie, causing him to lose his magic

Making a mess in the boys' bathroom, because I don't have enough to clean up in there already!

Wishing Ryan a Happy Birthday:

Saying a prayer and thanking Ryan for volunteering at Feed My Starving Children:

Sack races with his friends:

Bungee jumping from the ceiling fan:

Goodbye letter from Charlie:

Grandma and Carter reading the letter that Charlie left for Carter:

Santa released Charlie's magic for a few minutes after Carter read the letter, allowing him to hold him to say goodbye.  The look on his face was priceless!!!

Kisses for Charlie - goodbye until 2014!

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