Saturday, May 19, 2012

Grad Camp

Ryan graduated from a Tiger Cub to a Wolf Cub tonight at Cub Scout Grad Camp, held at the Kiwanis Cub Scout Camp on Marine on the Saint Croix.  The kids had so much fun!  On the agenda today was geocaching, compass instruction, marshmallow gun fights, archery, b-b gun shooting, slingshot practice, dinner, and the awards ceremony.  The ceremony was cut short due to a major thunderstorm that rolled through camp.  Evan and the boys stayed in a camp.  I came home to sleep.  I hope they stay dry during the storms tonight!!!!!

The Mackey boys' campsite:

Carter in front of the tent:

Marshmallow Gun Instructions:

Having fun with his shooter:

B-b Gun Instructions: 

Getting ready to shoot:

Ryan's first time shooting a b-b gun:

Evan working with Carter, who is right handed, but left eye dominant (unfortunately, he gets that from me).  Makes shooting a gun difficult.

"Mackey" shooting:

Time for the slingshots:

Carter learning the ropes:

Ryan practicing archery:

Prayers before dinner:

Graduating from a Tiger Cub to a Wolf Cub.  The kids went through the "Cub-o-Matic" machine and came out on the other side with their new neckerchief on!

So excited to graduate!

The proud Wolf Scouts (minus 2) and their den leader, Andrea:

Performing their skit (I took this from the other side of the fire, so the smoke blurred the image):

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