Monday, July 4, 2011


We decided to make a few minor changes in the landscaping in our backyard.  The first step was moving the firepit to allow room behind it.  When we put it in, our pine trees were about 6' tall.  Now they are about 15' tall and have grown well over the mulch line.  It is difficult and frustrating to mow under the outstretched tree limbs, so we will be moving out the mulch line beyond the tree limbs.  I am anxious to see the finished product, but today's progress alone was a welcome surprise - I planned today to be a relaxing day in the backyard, not a work day.  It was a hot one out there, but Evan got it done!  :)

Filling in the new firepit with Class 5 gravel:

The old firepit, blocks removed:

Taking a break in the shade, over half done:

The finished product:

You can see in the front where the old firepit was:

Another view, this time the old firepit in the back:

1 comment:

The Rissell's said...

What a project! It looks great....let the fires begin :)