Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cabin Weekend

Evan took all 3 boys to the cabin for the weekend.  I think it was their first weekend up there, all of them together.  They had a great time, despite the heat index in the triple digits.  They stepped inside the cabin and left as quickly as they entered.  It was way too hot in the woods - they headed to Evan's sister Teresa's house to swim.  Teresa lives in the house they grew up in.  Well, she actually has two homes, one in town and one on the lake, about 4 miles apart.  It is perfect for those hot summer days!  The boys had a blast swimming - jumping off the dock...again...and again...and again!  I am so glad our boys love the water!!!

Boys on the cabin patio (or what would you call that??)

Any idea what he is about to do?

Yep, you guessed it!

Good thing Ryan was heading that way anyway! :)

Put your hands up!

Teresa's lake home:

Dock and beach area:

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