Friday, April 15, 2011

Carter's 4 Year Well Visit

Carter had his 4 year well child visit with Dr. Olson today.  He did great!  He is such a big boy - he is 46" tall (over 100%) and 49.8 lbs. (99%).  His temp was 98.6 and blood pressure 100/65.  His vision is 20/20 and hearing is perfect.  After a full exam, she said he is the picture of health (Yeah - I said a little prayer of Thanksgiving hearing that!)  He did have 3 shots to prepare him for kindergarten that you could choose to do at the 4 year or 5 year well visit.  We chose to do them today.  After a few tears initially (she said that these were more painful shots than others), he was happy to tell me that he was 'all healed'!  It was interesting to look at his growth chart...many things can influence a child's size when they reach adulthood, mostly genetics, but looking at his current growth curve (has been above 100% in height since birth), if he were to continue to grow at the same rate he currently is, he would be 6' 7" as an adult.  My jaw must have dropped, because she explained that he may not, obviously, reach that height because his growth could slow down, but I do have a feeling he will be our tallest boy of the three.  Evan and I made our guesses today, that we will be recording in the boys' journals (something of a time capsule, I guess you could say) - Kyle will be 6' 0" as an adult, Ryan will be 6' 2", and Carter 6' 4".  Will be interesting to see where they land!  :)

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