Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bunker Races

My neighbor Di and I decided to sign up for the Bunker Races today.  A new twist, we signed our kids up for the 1 mile fun run.  The boys and I trained this week.  Carter also wanted to run, but he made it about a block before he was on my back.  That was not going to fly for race day.  Maybe next year.  The boys did awesome!  I was so proud of them!  Kyle finished at 8:02 and Ryan finished at 10:33 (unofficial times - should have official results in a few days).  My 8K race was altered due to icy trail conditions.  The brochure mentioned "gentle rolling hills" but they failed to mention there was no flat spot on the course.  It was exhausting and I am not used to running hills.  My legs ache tonight, but it was such a great feeling to cross that finish line!!!  FUN times!

Heading to the race:

Ryan and his girlfriend, Alexis:

Lining up for the Kids 1 Mile Fun Run:

And they're off!

Kyle coming up to the finish line:

Awesome time!!!!  Great job, Kyle!

Here comes Ryan to the finish line:

Best time for him since we have been training this past week:

Kids playing waiting for the Moms to finish their race:

Handing my boys my jacket and gloves - it was a beautiful day!!!!

Stopping for water at the mid-way point of the race:

I was so thirsty and tired!

Coming up on the finish line:

Unofficial time:  36:23.  Exact distance is not known since they had to alter the course:

Di and Me after our race:

Ryan and Alexis - both second place finishers!!!! :)

SO proud of his medal!!!

1 comment:

The Rissell's said...

What a fun activity to involve the kids in! Way to go!!