Friday, July 16, 2010

Beach Day

The boys and I spent the day at the beach today. Pre-kids, my only thought at the beach was remembering to flip every hour and making sure I had a cold beverage in hand. Things have changed just a bit with the kids. I had several restroom runs, sunscreen to apply multiple times, and had to keep an eagle eye on brave kids that ventured into deep water. Regardless, it was a great day and absolutely beach-perfect weather!

Boys waiting for their sunscreen to dry:

I can never get enough of that giggle of Carter's:

Playing in the water:

He found a Lightning McQueen car in the sand:

His immediate reaction...

bury it completely in the sand:

which he proceeded to do:

Look, Mom - 2 shovels:


Michelle said...

Looks fun...I think we all need a beach day like that today! Stay cool!

Michelle said...

Looks fun... I think we all need a beach day today! Stay cool!