Sunday, January 10, 2010


Living life on the edge is not a way I would choose to describe myself. It would be a lot more exciting, and sometimes I wish I had more of that in me, but I do not. Evan and the boys went up north this weekend. I had the entire weekend to myself. I went to a great Book Club on Friday night, shopped for jewelry pieces on Saturday morning, designed jewelry on Saturday afternoon and spent the entire rest of the weekend spring cleaning. I start early because it literally takes me until spring to get through my entire house at the pace I go. I completed the kitchen this weekend. I show my Type A personality when I literally could sit and stare at my clean, organized cupboards. I dread starting this project, but love the finished results!

The snack cupboard was dangerous before I started on it. You never knew what was going to fall out when you opened the doors. Much better now!
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go enjoy my clean cupboards! Thanks Mom, Dad, and Evan for giving me an entire weekend to myself. I feel great! :)

1 comment:

The Rissell's said...

Wow! You are way ahead of the game. Looks great :)