Monday, January 19, 2009


Today I have experienced almost every emotion in the book. I went up north to say goodbye to my Grandma. My Mom called last night to update me on the situation and I looked at Evan after my conversation and said that I needed to go today (originally I thought I would go at the end of the week). I made the trip today and spent the day with Grandma in her hospital room. She slept much of the day, but I was able to get in a good conversation with her. She said to me when she saw me: "Well, Stephanie, it is Monday today, you usually work on Mondays, what are you doing here?" She remembered - I was so thankful I had that time with her. My Mom called me this evening to tell me "her journey is complete, she is gone." I had such mixed emotions - I am so sad for all of us left behind, but happy she is at peace and not in pain anymore. She was such an amazing Grandma to me and Great Grandma to my children. The best way to describe her, would be to say her "glass was always half full". She had a positive outlook on life and was always in a good mood. She loved her visits from the Great Grandchildren and cherished her time with them. My favorite heirloom from her is her original wedding ring my Grandpa bought her. She gave it to me a few years ago. I took it to my jeweler and he re-made it for me. She had worn the back through, it was so thin and weak. I had 2 bands put on either side of the wedding ring and her band reinforced, but I kept her wedding ring complete. I wear it all the time. I also made her a bracelet last Christmas - it said "Great Grandma" and had 2 of each of her Great Grandchildren's birthstones on it. She wore that bracelet every single day. It is hard to say goodbye to Grandma, but I have nothing but wonderful memories of her and that is what I will think of when I think of my Grandma. I love you, Grandma!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a beautiful lady! You have some great pictures and wonderful memories to cherish and share with your boys. I'm so glad you made the trip Monday. Sending hugs your way girlie!