Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is such a big deal for the boys.  They love, love, love it, and ask about it for weeks in advance.  This year I made them heart shaped cinnamon rolls for breakfast, volunteered at Carter's Valentine's Day party at school, and was guest reader in Carter's classroom at the end of the day.  For dinner, we had heart shaped pizzas from Papa Murphy's, pink sherbet floats, and for dessert, peanut butter cookies with heart shaped chocolates.  We ended our day with family game night - Yahtzee.  The kids had a blast.  Ryan had 3 Yahtzees in one game and Carter had 2, 1 in each game - with their luck, we're second guessing our decision not to bring the kids with us to Vegas next week.  ;)  All in all, it was a fun day with the kiddos!

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