Sunday, August 5, 2012

Diving Board

The boys and I went swimming at Sondra's today.  We didn't have the boat and the boys were getting a little bored in the water.  I glanced over at the Grindstone Lake Bible Camp dock and noticed it was empty, so I asked the boys if they wanted to head over there.  Ryan was more excited than Carter, but he agreed to go as well.  When we got there, the first thing Ryan did was head for the diving board.  He went up, but was scared to jump.  Carter went up and shocked us all by jumping right in.  I couldn't believe it!!  Typically Ryan is our brave one and Carter is more cautious.  He was surprising us this weekend by trying new things.  I was so proud of him!!!  Ryan tried a time or two again, but was still scared.  Carter kept going off over and over again.  I could tell Ryan couldn't stand that Carter was doing something he wasn't, so he eventually worked up the nerve to go off, too.  Once he did, I couldn't keep him off if I tried.  One right after the other.  It was so fun to watch.  I remember going off that diving board when I stayed at camp when I was growing up.  I am so glad the boys could experience it as well!  Again I didn't have my good camera (what was wrong with me this weekend?) but here are just a few phone pics:

Carter ready for his first jump (his little legs were just shaking)!:

Off he goes:

Just to give you an idea of how high the diving board is, here's Ryan jumping off:

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