Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad and Evan!  It was a great day spent together.  We went to Valleyfair this morning.  We had a great time going on rides and eating our picnic lunch.  Unfortunately, as we were finishing up lunch, the rain rolled in.  Dad and the boys went on one more ride in the rain, but then we waited in the van to see if it was going to end.  With no end in sight, we packed up and came home.  What a bummer, but still thankful we could enjoy the time we had there.  Hopefully it will be better weather next Father's Day! :)

1 comment:

The Rissell's said...

Bummer on the weather, but great that you were able to get a few hours of fun in. And like you said, most importantly you were with the people you love most!!