Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pinewood Derby

Ryan had his very first Pinewood Derby for Cub Scouts.  Never having participated in one before, we really didn't know what to expect or really, how to build his car.  Let's just say we learned a lot this year and have plenty of room for improvement.  It was a pretty sophisticated track with speeds calculated down to the 10,000th of a second.  Ryan had a good time at his first derby.  There is a video at the end of this post - it is of Ryan's final heat in the derby - make sure to check it out!

Carter, on the other hand, was clearly excited to win 3 of the 48 raffle prizes.  He and I spent a lot of time sizing up the prizes and deciding just which ones to put out tickets in.  I really wish I could have had video (or even pictures) of him going up to get his prizes - it was priceless - he was so excited!!!

Ryan with his car at check-in: 

After it was weighed, they store it overnight for safe keeping:

They have to make sure it fits in this little box.  If it doesn't, it can't race:

Ryan checking out the progress of the track set-up:

The finish line:

The track took up nearly the entire gymnasium:

Boys playing video games while the parents worked on checking in the other scouts:

The starting line:

Ryan's going to race next:

Ryan's car is second from the right (in the green lane):

Ryan placed 6th overall in his den:

Ryan getting his certificate, ribbon, and driver's license:

Den 7 with their awards:

Ryan's awards and roadster:

VIDEO:  Ryan's last heat of the Pinewood Derby

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