Saturday, January 14, 2012

Boxcar Races

Ryan's Cub Scout Pack 412 had their annual boxcar race this week.  This is his first time participating in it.  It was a bit of a mad house, but the kids loved it.  The week before, we hosted the den meeting at our house and they selected the box they wanted to use and each helped to decorate it.  They were so excited for their races!

At each Pack Meeting, the dens have to give an update on what they did that month.  Ryan immediately grabbed the mic to give our update.  We really need to work on his shyness...

Den 7 with their Den Leader, Cub Master, and Eagle Scout:

Ryan was ecstatic to receive 6 belt loops this month:
  1. Baseball
  2. Bicycling
  3. Ice Skating
  4. Soccer
  5. Roller Skating
  6. Swimming

Den 7 lining up behind their boxcar:

It's a thing of beauty, isn't it?

Ryan getting in the boxcar to race:

After their first lap, they had to sit down, take off their socks, and turn their socks inside out and then complete the second lap.  Poor Andrea - she had the job of helping each scout with their sweaty socks and shoes!  She told me afterward she needed to wash her hands! 
Starting his second lap - he was on a mission! 

Den Leader Andrea's time to race! :)

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