Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bunker Beach

Ryan and Carter and I went to Bunker Beach today while Evan and Kyle took in the Game Fair in Anoka.  It was a beautiful day, but a little cooler for a waterpark day (high 70s).  I stayed out of the water for the most part, just watched the boys enjoy it.  Either they are starting to listen better while we are there, or I am getting used to the chaos because today was much easier for me than our previous visits.  I am also getting better at juggling their requests and setting rules and expectations prior to going into the park, since they don't always want to be in the same place at the same time.  Of course, that means less time for photos, but I guess that can wait.  I do wish I had my camera when Ryan mastered the rock climbing wall.  He has been attempting that since we first visited last summer, but has never quite reached the top.  The grin on his face was priceless when he made it on his first attempt today.  And again, about 15 times after that.  By the time we left, he made it to the top every single time and was also slapping the plexiglass top with both hands, jumping off and doing a 360 before reaching the water below.  I was laughing watching him today - his energy, his spirit, and his love for life.  I think that kids can teach us a lot about not caring what anyone thinks (as he was skipping and dancing to the music between every different water activity), and doing what makes you happy.  I love that kiddo and the lessons he teaches me every single day!  Carter and I were watching Ryan on the climbing wall and out of nowhere, Carter jumped off the edge of the pool, without a life jacket, into water over his head, and swam to the steps.  I couldn't believe it - I was so proud of him.  He has been jumping off the boat all summer into the lake, but always with a life jacket on.  Today he must have been feeling brave (and so proud with an ear to ear grin after jumping in)!!!  What a fun afternoon!!!!! :)

I did snap one quick photo of my Bunker Beach buddies as we were packing up to leave:

1 comment:

The Rissell's said...

Two cuties you have there girl! Fun day!!