Friday, February 25, 2011

Human Pincushion

This is what round two of my allergy testing looked like today.  I had 48 scratch tests on my back during round one which unfortunately, did not yield any results.  It took the needle injections under the skin to test positive (a much more painful process).  This is my second time through allergy testing, during the first round of tests 18 months ago, I tested positive for cat, dog, dust, ragweed, oak, and birch.  This round I tested positive for cat, dog, maple, and ragweed.  Since I didn't test positive for dust and I was highly allergic to that before, he sent me on for blood tests at the lab.  I will know those results in a week.  I also have to go for futher testing (possibly a CT scan of my sinuses) as well as various other blood tests since we can't get to the bottom of the itching and he wants to figure out what is going on before we move to the allergy shots.  I just look forward to figuring this all out and getting the correct treatment - this has been a long, long road!

1 comment:

The Rissell's said...

O.U.C.H......that looks and sounds so painful. I hope as well that you can get to the bottom of what is going on.