Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you and yours had a wonderful Valentine's Day.  I had one of the best days I can remember.  I think it was because I was so excited for the boys, because I remember how much fun Valentine's Day was for me growing up.  Our fun started at 6:30 this morning when Ryan got up...

and he found a trail of red M&Ms from his door and blue M&Ms from Carter's door

which led down the stairs...

and through the living room...

Carter's went behind the treasure chest...
 and Ryan's went behind the chair...

Both had Valentine's gift bags...

filled with their favorite Lego minifigs and stickers!  What a way to start the day!
Fast forward a few hours, and parties later, and we all had heart shaped pizza for dinner - yum!!!!

The boys each got cards and money from Grandpa and Grandma and cards and savings bonds from us and then a family gift...a new Wii game!!!

They consumed large amounts of candy...

we read books that Ryan brought home from his gift exchange at school, we snuggled and talked about our favorite part of the day, and then it was lights out.  I can't think of a better way to celebrate Valentine's Day.  What did YOU do today?

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