Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday Party

We went back to Eagle's Nest this morning, this time for a birthday party for one of Ryan's classmates, Evan.  The kids had a blast.  Carter and I tagged along; we ate lunch at the tables in the lobby while Ryan and his friends ate in their party room.  Carter did well until it was cake time, then he melted down because he wanted to be included in the party.  Evan's Mom was very gracious and included him in the cake and gift opening, which was so nice.  I never go to the indoor playgrounds on the weekends, and now I know why - they are CRAZY!  There were about 1/4 of the people there yesterday than today.  It was so loud - which, I guess, is no different than our house on most days! :)

Lukas, Evan, Ryan, and Cate:

 Carter and I wandered around the building while the kids were playing:

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