Thursday, January 30, 2014


It's been a while since I've had an Instagram dump.  You can tell we're busy when I take fewer pictures and am quieter on my blog.  January has been a whirlwind and I'm not sorry to see it end.  Between working extra hours in a super stressful work environment (post security-breach), the ridiculously cold weather that closed school 5 days in January (three time in one week), Evan's neck/shoulder ache that sent him to the ER and had him out of commission much of January, sickness in our house, car troubles, and more snow than I've ever shoveled in my life, I'm ready to move on to February.  We're just that much closer to spring.  :)

My menu planning buddy:

Carter's writer's workshop paper about missing Grandpa when he left school on Veteran's Day.  He loves his Grandpa so much!

Silly faces on the iPad:

Playing outside and finding HUGE icicles:

School's out again, so we headed to the movies!

Being creative on another no-school day - Carter came to work with me for the day and Evan brought Ryan over to my office at the end of the day as well.  They loved the bus rides!

Dinner out for Evan's birthday at Buffalo Wild Wings.  He received a siren, birthday crown, and free drink, all while having his birthday announced over the intercom. 

Higher snowbanks than I ever remember having.  I'm ready for this winter to be done!

Hands in the air!

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