Evan took the boys miniature golfing:
Ryan's football scrimmage:
The kids playing board games with the neighbors inside when the heat index was 105 outside!
Evan and Ryan at the Vikings game:
Our last trip to Bunker for the season - the boys made a tube fort:
Relaxing in the tubes:
We went to a rodeo on Labor Day weekend:
The rodeo clown climbed the fence behind us and sat down with us. You should have seen the boys eyes!!!!
The boys both jumped in the arena for the calf chase and both were successful in pulling a ribbon from the calves' tail. Amazing considering there were about 100 kids in both age groups and only 4 calves each!
Carter reading on the way home from Grandpa and Grandma's:
Ryan and I enjoying Yogurt Sundae after the first day of school while Evan and Carter had fun at WWE Wrestling!!!
Ryan and I before his first football game:
Ryan laying on the back of Charles and Beth's boat. He said to Carter "now this is the life!" :)
Enjoying Lake Minnetonka with great friends on a hot day!
Carter found a heart raspberry. Fitting because this boy also holds my heart!!!! :)
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