Friday, March 16, 2012


Carter officially graduated from the "Littles" to the "Middles" for swimming lessons.  Littles are designed for ages 3-5 and Middles for 5-8.  He finished his Little Fours class today and was promoted to Middle Threes.  I am so proud of him.  He got a slow start because he was afraid of the water, but now he is going gangbusters.  He loves the water and is under it as much as he is on top of it! :)

"Painting the ceiling" doing his backstroke (caught him mid-stroke):

Teacher Natalie and Carter laughing after his first ring dive:

He was literally doing almost a handstand on his second ring dive:

He got all 3 that time!  Great job, buddy!

He had just done his "chop, chop, timber" (cannonball) but my pictures were so blurry of the actual jump (bummer!):

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