Friday, June 10, 2011

First Grader

Today was Ryan's last day of kindergarten at Johnsville Elementary School.  I seriously cannot believe how quickly this year went by.  It seems like just yesterday I was wiping the tears (mine, not his!) as he boarded the bus for the first day of school.  He had a great year with Mrs. Busch - she was awesome and we are forever grateful to her!!!  She sent this home with Ryan today:

Ryan -
You are a very special person
And you should know,
How I loved to have you in my care
How fast the year did go!

Please come back to visit me
As through the grades you go
Try hard to learn all that you can
There is so much to know

One thing I tried to teach you
To last your whole life through,
Is to know that you are special
Just because, you are you!

Good luck in first grade!  Please come and say "hello" to me next year!

Mrs. Busch

Getting ready for school on the last day: 

Ryan and his neighbor buddy, Lukas:

The 7 kids at our bus stop on the corner:  Ryan, Lukas, Paige, Trent, Brooke, Caden, and Elliott:

Morning bus, heading to school:

Coming home after the last day!!!!!

Getting off the bus, Carter anxiously awaiting!

I am so proud of that kiddo and look forward to our summer of fun.  First grade will be here before we know it, but first we need to enjoy every minute of the summer months!!!!! :)

1 comment:

The Rissell's said...

Way to go Ryan! It is crazy how fast time flies....have fun this summer!