Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Ryan had Vacation Bible at Glen Cary Church this week. I volunteered as a Preschool Coordinator which oversees the preschool kids (there were almost 50 this year). I took kids that had meltdowns, that needed to use the bathroom, that needed rests, helped with snack and meal times, games, etc. I was basically on the run the entire time. It was fun, but I was so tired by the end of the week - we had 8 hour days and that was long for preschoolers. It was great to spend that time with Ryan and see the kids learn and their faces light up with new activities. What a week!!!!

Ryan and I at the Closing Program:

The High Seas Adventure Ship set (front):

Side view:

Ryan watching the program:

Snack time:

Games outside:

Passing the goldfish bag - when the music stops, whoever is holding the bag gets to eat 3 goldfish:

Spreading the word of God - literally passing the bible in relay style:

Hand off to Lukas:

Dad and Ryan at the Closing Program:

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