Thursday, June 10, 2010

Carter's Surgery

Carter had his adenoidectomy with Dr. Landers today at Children's Hospital. We were far more stressed out than Carter, and yet, everyone at the hospital kept saying we were so laid back. I think we were doing our best for Carter's sake, or maybe since both of the older boys have gone through it, we knew what to expect. The most difficult part, for me, is watching him go to sleep for the procedure. Just 19 minutes after surgery began, the surgeon met us in the waiting room, surgery was complete. Carter did great. I had braced myself for a difficult recovery, since I remembered Ryan's only too well. It was a 180 from Ryan's (although Ryan's procedure was more difficult since he also had tonsils removed). Carter woke up from a 2 hour nap happy and content to watch his Scooby Doo movies and eat his freezies. I honestly don't think he had any idea what went on and says he has no pain. He fell asleep with us holding his hands and woke up with us leaning over his bedside. In his mind, he just took a nap and woke up with an IV in his arm. Thank goodness it went so smoothly. I didn't realize how stessed I was until I felt the pressure release after we were home. Tonight I am thanking God for watching over my baby!!!

Playing in his pajamas before surgery:


Learning about the mask and choosing his 'flavor', which he chose orange pop!

Carter and Dr. Landers prior to surgery (Dr. Landers also performed Ryan's surgery):

The board we monitored during surgery, told us Carter's progress:

Our first glimpse at Carter post-surgery:

Sleeping contently:

His IV/finger monitor:

Watching Scooby Doo and eating freezies when he woke up:

He had 3 freezies and crackers in the recovery room:

His arm bands, 1 to indicate allergies, the other an ID band:

Wagon ride to the car (he was still pretty groggy):

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