Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This and that...

Grace brought Carter his birthday gift tonight - a pair of Spiderman swimming trunks - pretty fitting!!!!! :)

Checking out the Spiderman tag:

Ryan and his star:

We decorated his star for school with Kyle's bendaroos (but don't tell Kyle that!!!):

Carter's batman mask he made at Jill's today - he wore it all night:

Bet you wish you were lucky enough to live with crime fighters!!!
Carter had his 3 year well check yesterday. He is 43.2 pounds and 41" tall - the average size of a 4 1/2 year old! He is doing well. We are having him evaulated at Children's for a possible tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy this summer. Both Kyle and Ryan had the surgery and we are hoping to help Carter's constant sickness during the winter months by removing his enlarged adenoids. I don't necessarily want him to undergo surgery, but if it will make him more comfortable in the long run (as it has Kyle and Ryan) then we will do it. His consult with his surgeon is in 3 weeks - I'll keep you posted!

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