Sunday, April 4, 2010

Life on the Farm

We went up north this weekend and it was a flurry of activity. From playing with Grandma's 'new' cat Ella (actually it is the neighbor's cat that Mom and Dad adopted because it lives at their house now), to riding 4 wheelers and dirt bikes, to jumping on the trampoline, to coloring Easter eggs, bonfires, you name it, we covered it - in one day. Boys had a blast!!!!

Carter and Ella:

Taking his four wheeler for a spin:

Ryan trying a trick on the trampoline:

Carter's turn to jump:

All smiles:

Ryan racing on his dirt bike around the house (there is a path worn in Mom's grass around her house from his dirt bike!)


Carter climbing the fence:

Ryan heading out on his course through the woods:

Heading to the gravel pit:

Coming back:

I could hear him singing all the way (it's a tough life for a 5 year old)

Carter and Evan heading out for a four wheeler ride:

RACE! (Satisfying Ryan's need for speed):

Grandpa and Carter talking tractors:
Sunset on the farm:

Wrestling match on the trampoline:

Ella looking for her evening hunt:

Grandpa set off firecrackers for Ryan (Carter wasn't a big fan of the loud ones):

Roasting marshmallows:


Grandpa and his boys:

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