Sunday, March 29, 2009


This was a project weekend at our house. We had a list of things we wanted to accomplish before we left on vacation this week. I finished the spring cleaning on Friday night - I've been working on it f.o.r.e.v.e.r. That is a huge project for me, one I dread starting, but am glad to have it done! On Saturday, we went to Rochester for my cousin's son's birthday party. While we were at the party, we decided to make a trip to Hobby Lobby - what a fun place to shop! I found a vase and stems to replace the overgrown peace lily on my kitchen counter. Love the space I freed up with a smaller piece there. After church today, I replaced our worn flag and flag pole outside - the boys played while I worked on getting the new one in place. Looks much better! Another Hobby Lobby purchase - a letter M to grace our entry way. The boys helped Evan hang it after their naps this afternoon. Evan also put dimmer switches on several of our lights in the house. I originally bought them for the boys' rooms, but found out we cannot use them in there because they have a ceiling fan on a single wiring system. We did find several other uses for them...they are much sleeker than the old knob style dimmers in the 70s - you never even see the dimmer switch unless you look carefully. Finally, Evan caulked the bathroom tile in the boys' bathroom. Voila - projects complete - I think we are officially ready to head out of town! Well, a little packing to do, but glad to have the projects behind us! :)


Michelle said...

It must feel so nice to check so many things off your list! We seriously need an intense project weekend around here-one that doesn't involve Derby cars!

Unknown said...

As if you even need to spring clean your house! :) It's spotless to begin with. Enjoy Disney!!!