Sunday, February 1, 2015

Visit to Grandma Elsye

We made the trek to Bemidji to visit Great Grandma Elsye this weekend.  The boys look forward to the pool time at the hotel.  We used to make the trip in one day, but then decided that 10 hours in the car in one day made for antsy kids and frustrated parents.  We all do better spreading out the driving over the course of 2 days!  I have pictures with Grandma Elsye on my phone, I'll update with those tomorrow...  For now, here are some hotel photos:

Evan and his boys swimming:

Hot tubbing boys:

Ryan jumping in - the water in the pool looks like glass:

Carter's turn:

Boys with the pool all to themselves:

Carter is getting to be a stronger swimmer all the time.  He is able to stay down long enough on a dive to get all 4 dive toys in one dive.  Not bad for 7! ;)

The boys wanted to explore on the ice today before we left.  With the sun shining, it was deceiving.  We walked down to the ice and the windchill was -19 and we were freezing.  Needless to say, we didn't last long exploring down there.  We'll do a better job of that when we return in August! :)

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