Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School

I have 2nd, 4th, and 10th graders this year - how is that even possible?  Every year I am amazed at how quickly time flies.  Carter wanted summer to go on forever, Ryan was excited to see his friends again, and Kyle would do anything in his power to get out of going to school.  So there you have it...the Mackey boys on their first day of school! :)

Caeden and Carter at A+ 

Ryan at his A+ table.  His friends were still in the gym - they were all coming out when I left:

Carter at the 2nd grade table:

Adventures Plus before school program.  The boys attend every Monday through Wednesday.  They love all the different activities - gym, computer, media, free time, etc.  I'm thankful for such a great program at a convenient site - their school cafeteria!  They walk to their classrooms at 9:00 to start their school day.

They were all smiles when they got off the bus after school - a good day was had by all! :)

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