I know he's under there somewhere:
Grandpa (and Grandma) came to the boys' school for Veteran's Day and participated in a program. The boys were so excited to have Grandpa there!
It was a sad day in our house. One of my two remaining large goldfish (9 years old) died. I did everything I could to save him - water change, tested and treated the water, etc. I was very sad to lose him. My last remaining fish looks very lonely in the big aquarium all alone...
Ryan has a bit of a loom band obsession. He wears 12 bracelets daily and has made several for his friends, Carter's friends, and his cousins.
Evan and Todd at a work conference:
My OCD feels much better after we organized Ryan's loom and bands. :)
Carter still goes out for a run for me when it's in the single digits. We much prefer the summer weather and not having to bundle up to get our workouts in!
The boys had Wednesday off of school. I took the day off work and told them we were going to run errands. I drove to the Waterpark of America and surprised them with all day passes to the waterpark. :)
Carter taking a break from swimming to eat lunch and read his book. :)
My cousin, Kim's cat Mittens, made himself right at home in my bag. I told her, if he's in my bag, he's coming home with me. I miss having a cat.
Carter and I shopped for 5 hours (and 5 stores) on Black Friday. He was the perfect shopping companion, as always. So patient and well behaved. He earned lunch at his favorite place - Target's Pizza Hut.
Ryan won rock, paper, scissors with Carter. He went to the Wild Game with Evan. The best part for him - all the food!
Carter and I were decorating for Christmas while Evan and Ryan were at the Wild game. He pulled out his Christmas stocking only to discover there were 2 gifts left in there from last Christmas! Oops!!!!
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