Friday, December 30, 2011

Edge Waterpark

Mom and I took the boys to the Edge Waterpark in Duluth when the guys went fishing.  We had a fun time, meeting up with my Aunt, Cousin, and her 2 kids.  The kids had a blast playing together.  We spent a lot of time in the pool in the first 24 hours, and in fact, got a little overchlorinated and checked out early (not for lack of fun, though!) 

Olivia, and Ryan, two fish in the water, we never saw these two!!!!

Carter, stuck closer to me most of the time!

Pruny hands after a lot of time in the water:

Ryan eyeing up his target (touching the basketball net):


The chlorine burned Carter's eyes, so we put goggles on him:

Ball hog in the Vortex Pool:


The Edge, cleared out after lunch time, waiting for the next day's swimmers to arrive:

Was this the same kid...

that was scared to death of water just over a year ago?

Doesn't seem like it can be!!!!

Two very tired swimmers before we checked out.  Watching a new favorite movie on TV - Shark Boy and Lava Girl!

Mom's deer were waiting for us to feed them every evening.  They are so tame - they don't move when you are outside.  I tried to feed them out of my hand, but they weren't that sure of me! :)

This is about 1/3 of what we had to unpack when we got home...

I never do this, but I just went to bed, knowing it would be there for me in the morning - that is how tired I was!!!!!  (my least favorite part of a fun vacation - the unpacking!)

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