Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wisconsin Dells

Our family took our first ever trip to Wisconsin Dells this week.  We had a blast, despite Ryan having the world's worst cold.  He was a trooper, sniffling, coughing, sneezing his way through the week, rarely complaining, even though he had no appetite whatsoever.  Seriously, why do sicknesses hit on spring break weeks?  That just doesn't seem fair to an 8-year-old.  Regardless, it didn't slow us down.  We were on our own pace and we did what we wanted, when we wanted.  The kids wanted to go play in the playground?  We went to the playground.  Wave pool?  We headed to the wave pool.  It was a dream land for kids.  There was everything you could ever imagine in a waterpark or indoor playground.  It would be fun to go back in the summer because our hotel had 7 waterparks, 3 of which were inside.  We experienced less than half of the fun this time.  The kids are begging to return this summer.  We will see - it was definitely a fun first visit to the Dells!

Ryan on the ropes course:

Carter joins Ryan on the ropes course:
He is definitely more cautious, but he's doing it!  And he's only 5!!!

Carter and Evan on the bumper boats:

The second time, Evan went with Ryan.  He was thrilled the be spraying everyone else with water!  (not so thrilled when he was the one getting sprayed!)


Ryan coming down one of the body slides:

Another body slide:

A family handed us their fun passes as they were checking out.  They had 4 passes, each with several things left on them.  One was the ropes course.  It was destiny - I had to try it out! :)

Evan thought it looked cheesy from the ground.  Not so much as you are making your way across ropes 2-3 stories above the arcade.  I had to keep telling myself not to look down!

Ryan joining me on the course:
My brave kiddo!

We did so many things that I didn't photograph because I was also in the water or doing the activity.  We spent time in the wave pool, hot tub, water slides, indoor playground, miniature golf, haunted mansion, arcade, and just hanging in the room relaxing.  It was a great family getaway - I am so glad we went! :)

1 comment:

The Rissells said...

The Dells are awesome! What a fun family getaway. We loved all our visits to the Dells summer & winter (Great Wolf Lodge is really nice too, but Wilderness is the best).