Saturday, September 19, 2009


We took the boys to their first Wild hockey game last night. It was a pre-season game so the Suite was pretty quiet, which was nice. The boys, however, were not what I would describe as 'quiet' but it went fairly well, considering they are 2 and 4. They loved the Suite and running around, but I don't know how much of the game they actually took in!

Ryan and Me:

Carter with his Sprite:

A rare moment watching the game:


Ryan checking out the ice:

Carter telling Dad a story:


Norby visited our suite, definitely a high point for the boys:

Norby held Carter:

Oh, yeah, and there was a hockey game taking place, too:

Terrible injury to a Columbus player:

Ryan chillin' in the chair in the Xcel Suite lobby:

1 comment:

Bethany said...

What a fun family evening!!