Friday, June 19, 2009

Story Time

Ryan is in Vacation Bible School with his neighbor friends Lukas, Paige, and Brooke this week. That gave Carter and I time alone yesterday and today. We took in Storytime at the Johnsville Area library yesterday. I can't believe we haven't been there before. We happened to walk in as family storytime was about to begin. Not sure how long he would last, I took Carter in for the storytime. I was amazed to see that he sat for the entire session and even sang along and did the actions to the stretch songs between books. It was a Dad theme for Father's Day this weekend. We plan to attend the rest of the storytimes this summer - they fall right after Ryan's swimming lessons on Thursdays and are very close to the house. Just so you think I don't completely deprive my kids of books and stories at home, here are some of the books we read around the house. Starting in Ryan's room, then Carter's room, my truck, the living room, and the master bedroom. Amazing how many of these books we have collected over the past few years. You can tell which ones are their favorites (particularly the ones in Carter's bin by his rocking chair) - those are the ones that the pages are well-worn and the binding is broken!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Don't you just love snuggling up with the kids and their books?

I see Jamberry, Goodnight Moon and Big Red Barn in one of your book baskets... They are just a few of our very favorites when the kids are little. I think I will still be able to recite them in their entirety when I am 90!

I worry about the day when the kids totally outgrow picture books and being read to. That will be a sad day.